Instagram Takeover 2022


If you've ever wondered how artists prepare for an exhibition, whether artists also work in a home office, what it's actually like in a studio, or which artists serve as inspiration, then click through. Since April 2020, we have been giving artists the floor and let them use our Instagram account. Take a look at new works, directly into the studio or be in the middle of the exhibition setup.

Past posts on Instagram

Ani Schulze

Ani Schulze's films, drawings, sculptures and installations interweave visual worlds in which history and stories are circled in dreamlike, surreal images. A recurring element is the human body and its porosity to the environment, technology, fantasy and control. Non-linear narratives playfully unfold into visual collages, overlapping assigned roles and temporalities. In doing so her work plays with the familiar while arousing suspicion. Ani Schulze currently lives and works in Braunschweig.

Sara Sizer

Sara Sizer's works are paintings, but not made with paint in the conventional sense. They are created from stretched, raw cloth which has been manipulated to reveal images. The bleaching of red velvet or raw linen, removing the threads from canvas, spray painting on crumpled linen, or ink laid out on velvet to be sucked up through capillary action to create landscapes or abstract family portraits are some ways Sara Sizer achieves vastly different visual results. Nonetheless, all of these results are locked within the circle of their own making.

Viktoria Binschtok

Viktoria Binschtok lives and works in Berlin. In her photographic works, she examines circulating images of our globalised world. Through appropriation strategies, she transfers found visual material from diverse sources into new contexts that allow an unusual view of current image culture. In serial and installative groups of works, she addresses the dynamic status of the medium of photography and its permanent interaction between online and offline spaces.

Elena Subach

Elena Subach is a Ukrainian artist and curator living and working in Lviv. She collects peculiarities of local cultures which are on the edge of extinction due to globalization and poverty. Her work celebrates the inconspicuous objects that often evade attention, elevating them to near iconic status. The main topics of her photography, the medium she mostly works with, are life in the province, religion, connections between mythology and identity, her private relations with the world and her own country, with life and death. »Elena Subach is a tender observer of small moments and daily rituals.« says Polish photographer Rafał Milach. »She mixes memories, tropes and clichés, continuously drawing on and reimaging the visual identity of Ukraine.«

Thomas Baldischwyler

Baldischwyler's artistic practice is difficult to grasp because his working methods and contexts change depending on the subject and context. He has been awarded many prizes and scholarships in recent years, including the Förderpreis of the Westfälischer Kunstverein Münster and the Edwin Scharff Prize in Hamburg. His art has been shown in exhibitions in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Italy and Australia.