Therese Halle


Therese Halle

Therese Halle (1807–1880) was a prominent art collector and benefactor in Hamburg in the mid-19th century. She bequeathed more than 50 artworks to the Hamburger Kunsthalle, including works by August Ahlborn, Carl Götzloff, Franz Catel and Adolph Schrödter. The works from Therese Halle’s bequest in the possession of the Kunsthalle are to be shown alongside a number of pictures of her family. With this exhibition, the Kunsthalle not only wishes to acknowledge the achievements of an exceptional individual and patron of the arts on the 200th anniversary of her birth, but also to bring to life a fascinating period of collecting art in Hamburg between Romanticism and Realism. Incidentally, the very generous donations made by Therese Halle’s brother, Carl Heine, contributed greatly towards building the Hamburger Kunsthalle and establishing the permanent collection.

Obwohl die ursprüngliche Sammlung von Therese Halle, geb. Heine, nicht mehr vollständig vorhanden ist, geben die bewahrten Werke eine anschauliche Vorstellung vom Kunstsammeln in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts.