Henri Joseph Harpignies (1819-1916) Frau auf einem Waldweg (Detail), 1880   Aquarell, 280 x 400 mm Sammlung Wormsbächer, Hamburg © Foto: Christoph Irrgang, Hamburg

Nineteenth-Century Art from two Private Hamburg Collections

In FIGURE AND LANDSCAPE, the Hamburger Kunsthalle will be exhibiting works from two private Hamburg collections of nineteenth-century art that complement each other in ideal fashion. The works are being provided on loan this one time only for viewing by the general public in the Harzen Cabinet. Otherwise hidden away in private collections, these exquisite artworks reveal the collectors’ personal predilections, comprising impressive landscape and figure paintings made by Italian, French, German and a few English artists using a wide range of techniques. On view will be around 100 drawings, watercolours, pastels and smaller paintings – including several enchanting oil studies – dating from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century.



Dr. Andreas Stolzenburg, Hamburg
Dr.  Peter Prange, München.

Jan Steinke

Featured artists include Oswald Achenbach, Giovanni Battista Bassi, Carl Gustav Carus, Franz Ludwig Catel, Johan Christian Dahl, Simon Denis, Johann Georg von Dillis, Johann Joachim Faber, Thomas Fearnley, Ercole Gigante, François-Marius Granet, Louis Gurlitt, Jakob Philipp Hackert, Henri Harpignies, Ferdinand Hodler, Emil Orlik, Franz Kobell, Max Liebermann, August Lucas, Adolph Menzel, Georges Michel, Berthe Morisot, Eugène Le Poittevin, Joseph Rebell, Johann Christian Reinhart, Ludwig Richter, Louise Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont, Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes, Felix Valloton, Albert Venus, Édouard Vuillard, Robert Thorne Waite and Adrian Zingg.

A catalogue with comments on each of the 114 artworks (Edition H. W. Fichter, Frankfurt am Main) is available in the museum shop for 35 euros, via or in bookstores.