The exhibition catalogue published by Imhof will be available at the museum shop, cost: €39
Hamburger Kunsthalle, Harzen Cabinet
8. November 2024 – 23. February 2025
State and University Library Hamburg
7. November – 20. December 2024
Drawing as a technique for discovering the world is the focus of a cross-institutional project being developed by the Hamburger Kunsthalle (Department of Prints and Drawings) in cooperation with the University of Hamburg (Art History Department) and the Hamburg State and University Library.
Two concurrent exhibitions will look at drawing as taught at the academies and in artists’ studios in contrast with amateur drawing practised in private. The exhibition in the Harzen Cabinet at the Hamburger Kunsthalle will feature drawings from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries that demonstrate the potential of artistic-scientific drawing as an instrument for conveying knowledge and gaining new insights. Also on display will be selected depictions of classes held in studios and at academies.
On view at the Hamburg State and University Library will be a compendium of late-seventeenth-century drawings by Joachim Etzekiel Levezow that have yet to be thoroughly researched, which includes drawings from various fields of knowledge such as anatomy, antiquity and natural history. The Levezow album served to record visual information and a topical order of knowledge, making the drawing book a compendium of the binding nature of aesthetic norms and available knowledge.
This cooperative project sheds light on the pictorial research at the heart of the discipline of art history as well as the relevance of indexing, documenting and consolidating knowledge through drawing – a practice that has fallen into neglect with today’s predominance of digital media.
- Dr. Andreas Stolzenburg (Head of Kupferstichkabinett Hamburger Kunsthalle)
- Prof. Dr. Iris Wenderholm (University of Hamburg)
Supported by