Education Room: Cosmos Caspar


Within the exhibition tour, there is an education room on the 2nd floor, KOSMOS CASPAR (Cosmos Caspar), which invites visitors to immerse themselves in Caspar David Friedrich's visual worlds with all their senses and become active themselves in the process.

The KOSMOS CASPAR offers the opportunity to take a break and immerse yourself. Visitors can relax, read or browse the cdfriedrich web portal on a variety of seating areas. Analogue and digital drawing stations invite visitors to become active themselves and draw what nature has to offer in terms of motifs, following Friedrich's example. Natural objects in the room as well as touch and smell stations evoke associations with formative experiences of nature that inspire and move. An inclusive tactile relief of Caspar David Friedrich's The Arctic Ocean (1823/24) allows visitors to experience the painting haptically, creating a new perspective on the work for blind or visually impaired people as well as sighted people.

In addition, the KOSMOS CASPAR builds a bridge from Caspar David Friedrich's lifetime to the present day and shows how the relationship between man and nature has developed up to the present day. A participatory wall invites visitors to think for themselves, leave their opinions and find out what other visitors think about their relationship or that of mankind to nature.