Dr. Heinz H. O. Schröder Stiftung


Estate fundraising as a valuable form of long-term support for collection development

The Dr. Heinz H. O. Schröder Stiftung pursues the aim of promoting the museum by acquiring paintings and sculptures by established artists and offering them to the Kunsthalle on permanent loan. The beginning was made in 2024 with the purchase of the work Boathouse by the US artist David Novros (b. 1941). For the Hamburger Kunsthalle, this is the first foundation to make an exemplary contribution to the expansion and further development of the collection within the framework of estate fundraising. The Hamburger Sparkasse, which manages the estate of Heinz H. O. Schröder and is a long-standing partner of the Hamburger Kunsthalle, established the trust foundation on behalf of the founder and is represented on the foundation board in accordance with the statutes.

The founder, Dr. Heinz H. O. Schröder, comes from Hamburg, where his parents owned a grocery store. He was the only member of his family to pursue an academic career, studying law in Hamburg, completing his doctorate and becoming Senate Director at the Ministry of Finance. Schröder discovered his passion for art at a young age and visited galleries and museums all over the world on his many trips abroad.
Schröder once said: »As a native of Hamburg and long-standing Senate Director, the well-being of my home city is particularly close to my heart. My main interest is Hamburg’s museum landscape, in particular the collection and activities of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.«

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The Hamburger Kunsthalle is a citizens’ museum: Back in the nineteenth century, Hamburg citizens joined forces to finance the building of a magnificent art museum in the heart of the city, which opened in 1869. They endowed the museum with their own private art treasures to form the basis for the collection. The founding director Alfred Lichtwark wanted to open up the museum to everyone and to present art in a lively manner – aspirations that still persist today. Thanks to the civic commitment of many patrons and donors, the Hamburger Kunsthalle has been able to build an internationally renowned collection of art from eight centuries under one roof.

Private individuals, foundations and companies support the Kunsthalle in sustaining an outstanding exhibition programme and a wide range of educational offerings. We believe that looking at art gives people a fresh way to view the world. The Kunsthalle therefore provides space for new perspectives and inspiring encounters. Every year, numerous permanent lenders, donors and sponsors are inspired to continue the history of the civic museum Hamburger Kunsthalle through their private commitment.