Daycare & preschool formats in the exhibitions



Museum Service Hamburg
Tel. +49-(0)40-428131-0

Education Hamburger Kunsthalle

We present here our daycare and preschool formats for special exhibitions.

Our daycare and preschool programme is geared towards questions about art appropriate to the developmental level and needs of the children. Playful and sensory methods are used to introduce children to the museum as a place for adventure and experimentation. The children’s joy in seeing, thinking and experiencing is the main focus.

All our offerings are dialogue-based and interactive. We always concentrate on a small selection of works. Children are able to try out creative techniques while looking at the originals. Our 60-minute activities take place exclusively in the galleries. The 90- and 120-minute daycare and preschool activities combine a visit to the exhibition with hands-on creativity in our studios.

Longer-term projects with several consecutive dates can of course also be booked. You are welcome to freely combine your desired formats from our range or coordinate in-depth themes with us.

On request, we can also adapt formats to different age levels.

In addition to the activities in the special exhibitions, we also offer digital activities for daycare and preschool groups. Find out more on the following pages.

Daycare and preschool formats flyer (in German)

Größe: 2.32 MB Format: pdf

Our formats age 3 and older


Interactive image viewing with performative and artistic experiments

60-90 min special exhibition | 90-120 min special exhibition + studio

The Impressionists liked to spend time outdoors in order to capture special moments for eternity. We will trace their processes and explore the artworks created by the Impressionists with our bodies and senses.

How does a walrus move? What motions does the water in the Alster Lake make when it sloshes against the side of a rowboat? And what is the actual shape of a patch of light? We go with the flow, sometimes rigid and sometimes more flexible. In addition to our own bodies, light and shadow will help us to experiment in the exhibition space. In the process, we will learn what fascinated the Impressionists and what is special about their observations and their artistic methods of representation.



Interactive picture viewing linked to sensory perceptions

60-90 min special exhibition | 90-120 min special exhibition + studio

Crows calling, cows mooing, a babbling brook – we will listen to these and other sounds of nature during your visit to the museum as we set off on foot through the landscapes of the Impressionists. Using our imagination, we can immerse ourselves in the works of art. I wonder if frogs are croaking on the riverbank? What does the waterfall actually sound like? And what scents waft through the air along a mountain stream?

Together we will hone our senses by taking a closer look at the Impressionists’ motifs. We will let our curiosity guide us, sharing ideas and experimenting with colour to depict subjects such as people and nature.


THE EPHEMERAL LAKE 3 years and older

60-90 min special exhibition | 120 min special exhibition + studio

As part of the celebration in 2024 of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840), the Hamburger Kunsthalle is presenting THE EPHEMERAL LAKE, an immersive installation that highlights the unique expressive power of the works of the important Romantic painter by setting them in dialogue with digital landscapes created in the twenty-first century.

This format provides a playful introduction to the world of (digital) art and offers an exciting, intuitive experience for young visitors. Daycare and preschool children are introduced to key artworks by Caspar David Friedrich in a dialogue-based and interactive manner and, building on this background, immerse themselves in the virtual world of the Danish artist Jakob Kudsk Steensen (b. 1987). What do the two artists have in common? How do they represent the relationship between human and nature? How have artworks changed and what questions does this raise for our present and future?

From a length of 120 minutes, this format can also be booked to include digital practice in the studio.

ISA MONA LISA 4 years and older
Interactive talk or workshop with creative techniques
60-90 min special exhibition | 120 min special exhibition + studio

How do you imagine a person? We often only see what we already know. But is that the whole truth? When you hear the word »woman«, what image comes to mind?

In this exhibition, we look at modern art together and get to know many artists who broaden our view. We ask lots of questions, talk about them. Creative hands-on activities help for a better understanding of the art.

The programme is dialogue-based and interactive. We work with a small selection of works as examples. Creative techniques are used in front of the originals.

From a length of 120 minutes, this format can also be booked to include digital practice in the studio.

ILLUSION. Dream – Identity – Reality 4 years and older
Interactive talk or workshop with creative techniques
60-90 min special exhibition | 120 min special exhibition + studio

In an exciting journey through art, we learn how artists in the past and today have created illusions.

We look at works of art and hear great stories, such as the story of Zeuxis and Parrhasius, who wanted to find out who was the best artist, or the story of Giotto's funny fly. The topic of »illusion« is explored by asking questions, engaging in dialogue and approaching the works of art through creative hands-on activities.

The programme is dialogue-based and interactive. We work with a small selection of works as examples. Creative techniques are used in front of the originals.

From a length of 120 minutes, this format can also be booked to include digital practice in the studio.

Logo vom Museumsdienst Hamburg, Schwarze Sprechblase auf weißem Grung
Museum Service Hamburg

Mon - Fri:
9 am to 12 pm
2 pm to 6 pm


Phone consulation:

Tue  12 pm – 1 pm
Thu  4 pm – 5 pm