Catalogue of German Drawings from 1800–1850


Dr. Ute Haug
Dr. Tanja Baensch
mit Mitteln des Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und durch Mittel der ehemaligen Arbeitsstelle für Provenienzforschung

Provenance Research in the Frame of the Project »Development of an Inventory Catalogue of German Drawings from 1800–1850 at the Kupferstichkabinett of the Hamburger Kunsthalle«

In the scope of a project aimed at developing an inventory catalogue, the history and origins of German drawings from the first half of the 19th century were investigated scientifically, covering works from the inventory of the Kupferstichkabinett at the Hamburger Kunsthalle acquired after 1933. These holdings, including works by famous Romanticists, play a pivotal role in the history of the Hamburger Kunsthalle’s collection and are of great significance for the culture-historical identity of the museum. The project had two objectives: Firstly, to examine the lawfulness of the acquisitions according to the Washington Principles, and secondly, to illustrate the history and origins of the drawings in a broader sense for the inventory catalogue being developed for this part of the collection.

Head of Provenance Research & History of Collection

Dr. Ute Haug