Campe'sche Historische Kunststiftung


Established by the publisher and bookseller Wilhelm Heinrich Campe in 1909, the foundation annually acquires works of art from »older periods« for the Hamburger Kunsthalle and the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, financing the purchases through the rental income from two prestigious properties in Hamburg’s city centre. Among the acquisitions made for the collections of the Hamburger Kunsthalle with the help of the Campe’sche Historische Kunststiftung are the following:

  • a colour sketch by Philipp Otto Runge, »The Artist’s Parents« (1806)
  • an oil painting by Jan van Rossum, »Still Life with a Curtain« (1671)
  • a copperplate engraving by Jan Philipp Hackert, »The Temple of Hercules in Cori near Velletri« (1785)
  • an oil painting by Vilhelm Hammershoi, »Interior, Strandgarde 30«
  • a study of a boy for Max Liebermann’s »The Twelve-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple« (1978)
  • »Portrait of Ottilie Schiefler« by Edward Munch (1908)